
Communication de projet

Head of Project Communication

Mr Simone Migliore

Communication is an essential component of a project. A 2013 study confirms that communication is a success factor in a project. According to this study, organizations that communicate effectively achieve better results with their projects:
• 80% achieve initial objectives (compared to 52% without communication); • 71% respect the deadlines (against 37% without communication); • 76% respect the budget (against 48% without communication).
Just as project management follows a method, communication actions are structured and take place in phase with the project. The communication plan of a project is the structured overview of the communication actions relating to a specific project, in connection with the different phases of this project and in accordance with the organization’s communication strategy. The Communication Manager is the “conductor”: he is the guarantor of the Communication Plan for his project, but this does not mean that he must carry out all the actions of the plan himself.