Here below, the expected results by Work Package (WP)
WP 1: Project management
Qualitative expected result
Coordination of strategic, administrative, financial, monitoring, evaluation, technical organisms, meetings, partnership reports, audits and project secretariat management.
Quantitative expected results
– N° 1 General Coordination Activities and N° 6 Local Units of Project Coordination
– N° 1 Financial Management of the project and N° 27 financial monitoring activities
– N° 1 General Secretariat of the project and N° 17 coordination activities of local secretariats, physical monitoring and self-assessment
– N° 1 Verification of expenses and audit, N ° 10 audit and certification reports.
WP 2: Communication activities
Qualitative expected result
Management of the physical and virtual communication strategy of the project and of the related plan, as well as of a specific capitalisation plan. Design and development of actions, events, promotional and dissemination materials of the project and its main results and achievements aimed at strengthening the visual identity of the project and its advocacy.
Quantitative expected results
– N° 1 General communication activities and N° 12 Project communication reports
– N° 1 Project Kick-off Meeting (KoM) and N° 1 project Final Meeting (FM) with N° 2 Minutes of both launch and final meetings
– N° 3 Series of activities for promotion tools and N° 3 Series of activities for project dissemination tools
– N° 1 Package of activities on social media and N° 1 Package of e-communication activities of the project
WP 3: Research and strengthening of system actions
Qualitative expected result
Research and strengthening of system actions to increase quality standards and improve access to markets: quality certifications in conventional and organic crops, EMAS certification prototypes, UNI EN ISO 22005 supply chain prototypes, typical PDO, CDO, PGI and Organic certifications, possibility of being able to use nutritional claims.
Quantitative expected results
– N° 1 Package of interventions aimed at strengthening analysis and studies on the methods of cultivation, production, harvesting and processing of olives and storage of olive oils in Italy and Tunisia, starting from the consolidated results of the SERVAGRI research and focused on a cognitive investigation aimed at a double objective: the identification of the protocols for conditioning, processing the olives, storage, milling and bottling of the olive oils, including the application of innovative techniques to improve the organoleptic characteristics and conservation methods; and identification of the procedures for a protocol for the cultivation of the olive tree and for the production of conventional and organic olive oil as well as with a protected designation (PDO and PGI in Italy, CDO in Tunisia), to be marketed both in bulk and in bottles, strengthening the results of the SERVAGRI research
– N° 1 Study on the certification of products for the productions obtained with the SERVAGRI “umbrella brand” and for the application and control of the SERVAGRI quality brand for wholesome and traceable conventional olive oils, for the organic ones and / or with protected designation (PDO, PGI, CDO) with a cognitive investigation on the quality, safety and healthiness of the olive oil-making processes, on the harvesting techniques, on the transport, on the milling of the olives and on the treatment / packaging / conservation of bulk and bottled olive oils, up to the information of the consumer; and for the identification of traceability procedures subjected to protocol through a consolidated system in Europe, immediately reproducible on the Web platform and identifiable via QR code
– N° 1 Analysis and N° 1 Study on the commercial exchanges of bulk and bottled olive oils between Italy and Tunisia and from both countries to their respective foreign markets of reference, identified by quantity, quality, type, etc., with the description and representation of the olive oil chain in relation to the commercial flow from Tunisia to Italy and vice versa, specifying the phases: from production, to processing, to the final sale and describing all the critical issues in terms of food safety, organoleptic quality of the olive oils; conservation phase; efficiency of the logistic structure; customs aspects; marketing; and an evaluation of the use of the cross-border virtual platform carried out in relation to exports to third European or Mediterranean countries (Maghreb: Algeria, Morocco; Mashreq: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon), both outside the Euro-Mediterranean area, in relation to the joint offer of certified olive oils, including a feasibility plan, establishment, management and sustainability of the cross-border cluster, with the recording of the main differences existing between the different models and the appropriate corrective actions to allow a greater increase in import-export in terms of quality and quantities in the internal and external markets of the cross-border area
– N° 1 Study for the realisation of EMAS certification and UNI EN ISO 22005 supply chain prototypes in the cross-border area.
WP 4: Actions for restructuring, innovation, strengthening of the olive sector in the cross-border area
Qualitative expected result
Actions of restructuring, innovation, strengthening in the olive sector in the cross-border context for the quality, traceability and safety of conventional, organic and typified olive oils.
Quantitative expected results
– N° 1 Package of pilot actions for the application and control of the SERVAGRI quality “umbrella brand” in wholesome and traceable conventional olive oils; both on organic and / or protected designation olive oils (PDO and PGI in Italy, CDO in Tunisia): comparison and exchange of know-how, through “on-the-job” / “learning-by-doing” training actions aimed transversally to entrepreneurs, operators, technicians, professionals, public officials of the olive oil supply chains of the cross-border area, with an exchange of skills on the application of olive processing and olive oil bottling protocols, providing for the use of innovative techniques
– N° 1 Package of pilot actions for the creation of certification prototypes (PGI, PDO, CDO, Organic, EMAS, of the UNI EN ISO 22005 supply chain) in the cross-border context: comparison and exchange of know-how, through “on-the-job” / “learning-by-doing” aimed transversally to entrepreneurs, operators, technicians, professionals, public officials of the olive oil chain, on the operating methods between: Italian olive growers, respectful of EU legislation, as well as documented identification on material flows, on operators and supply chain certifications; and the Tunisian olive growers identified
– N° 1 Package of demonstration interventions, innovative training in the field and exchange of know-how aimed transversally to entrepreneurs, operators, technicians, professionals, public officials of the olive oil supply chain on the quality, safety and healthiness of the processes of olive oil-making, harvesting, techniques transport and milling of the olives, as well as the treatment / conditioning / storage of bulk and bottled olive oils, up to the information for final consumers
– N° 1 Package of interventions for the application of innovative procedures for the treatment of olive trees, for the production-harvesting-processing of olives in Italy and Tunisia, for the production of safe and traceable conventional and organic olive oil, both in bulk and bottled; and bottled typified olive oil (PDO, CDO, PGI, Organic, etc.); testing of product certifications for the productions obtained with the SERVAGRI quality “umbrella brand” and innovative traceability procedures covered by the protocol through a registration system consolidated in Europe, immediately reproducible on the web platform and identifiable by QR code.
WP 5: Implementation of cooperation and networking agreements of excellent MSMEs in the cross-border area
Qualitative expected result
Implementation of cooperation agreements in the olive oil sector from the target cross-border area for the enhancement of quality, safe and traceable olive oils, both in bulk and bottled.
Quantitative expected results
– N° 1 Package of cross-border skills exchange activities and information / training seminars, scientific publications on innovative techniques and procedures for the best maintenance of the supply chain, both for typified olive oils (PDO, CDO, PGI, Organic, etc.), or for wholesome and traceable conventional olive oils, on the ICT platform
– N° 1 Package of protocols subscription actions for cross-border “conventional olive oil” clustering that introduce innovative procedures and provide for the application of innovative techniques for the treatment of olive trees and olives, production-harvesting-processing, packaging / bottling of olive oils for the production of wholesome and traceable conventional olive oil with the SERVAGRI “umbrella brand” and using innovative traceability procedures subject to the protocol through a registration system consolidated in Europe, immediately reproducible on the Web platform and identifiable via a QR code, to be marketed both in bulk and bottled, using both the QR codes and the nutritional indications provided by the EU Reg. 432/2012 CE
– N° 1 Package of actions for the subscription of cross-border “typified olive oils” clustering protocols, which introduce innovative procedures and provide for the application of innovative techniques for the processing of olive trees and olives, production-harvesting-processing, packaging / bottling of olive oils for the production of typified olive oil (PDO, CDO, PGI, Organic, etc.) with the SERVAGRI “umbrella brand” and using innovative traceability procedures covered by the protocol through a registration system consolidated in Europe, immediately reproducible on a web platform and identifiable through a QR code, to be marketed in bottle using both the QR codes and the nutritional claims required by EU Reg. 432/2012 CE
– N° 1 Package of subscription actions for EMAS certification and UNI EN ISO 22005 supply chain protocols in the olive oil cluster of the cross-border area
– N° 1 Awareness and dissemination campaign for the signing of the SERVAGRI protocols.
WP 6 : Inter-institutional Cooperation
Qualitative expected result
Inter-institutional cooperation for the definition and harmonisation of the joint legislative and regulatory standards of the clusters and the virtual logistic platform and the sustainable capitalisation of the cross-border olive oil cluster.
Quantitative expected results
– N ° 1 COMMITTEE FOR COMMON POLICIES AND REFORMS (CCPR, cross-border organism of public-private partnership): proposal of common policies and structural reforms in the cross-border area regarding new services and products, as well as regional and cross-border clustering, through appropriate measures, encouraged by local and regional authorities with regard to organisations that train animators and leaders of youth / women’s consortia, organisations and businesses; creation of strategic alliances and partnerships that influence the decision-making process and place safe and quality olive oil clusters at the centre of the common development agenda, formally engaging themselves (for example through documents, agreements, memoranda of understanding) in clustering schemes to encourage networking between olive oil producers, operators in the olive oil chain, young people and women, from production to marketing; promotion of political reforms and implementation of structural instruments and public-private partnerships towards the permanent creation of the cross-border cluster and the dissemination of the model, as well as its joint basket of products and services; implementation of an action plan for inter-institutional cooperation on the development and harmonisation of standards and joint regulation of the virtual logistics platform (rules for transport, customs clearance, warehousing, storage, distribution and marketing)
– N° 1 COMMITTEE FOR CAPITALISATION, STABLE COOPERATION AND TRANSFER OF INNOVATION (CCSCTI, cross-border organism of public-private partnership): capitalisation on the activities of existing clusters and EU projects and good practices of macro-regional interest (EU and MED); creation of synergies to be enhanced between existing European projects and this project; carry out exchanges between public and private bodies (at national, regional and local level) involved in clustering actions and networks relating to innovative services and products, entrepreneurial schemes, strategic clusters, traceability and food safety, quality labels and social innovation. Creation of a structured dialogue through joint and coordinated working groups between national, regional and local public actors and private organisations / socio-economic actors in the cross-border area concerned; support for fundraising and direct financing of innovative start-ups and orientation to financial institutions, where appropriate; approval of a certified supply chain prototype (UNI EN ISO 22005 supply chain certification) of the olive products traded, including the creation of a virtual logistics platform for the transport, customs clearance, storage, distribution and marketing of olive products; stable and continuous updating and harmonisation of the regulatory and joint regulatory standards of the virtual logistics platform (transport standards, customs clearance, warehousing, storage, distribution and marketing); strengthening and sustainability of cooperation agreements signed for the olive oil sector in the cross-border area aimed at enhancing quality, safe and traceable olive oils, both in bulk and bottled.
– N° 1 PACKAGE OF ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES, CAPITALISATION EVENTS AND EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCES (N° 3 Euro-Mediterranean annual conferences on territorial governance and clustering strategies, N° 3 Cross-border events such as professional show halls, business fairs, business forums, N° 6 Advocacy activities inside and outside the target area of the project with Euro-Mediterranean institutions and international organisations and N° 1 Final event of the project for external promotion and capitalisation).